Subdomain Finder

Uncover the subdomains of your target domain with our powerful Subdomain Scanner. This documentation provides you with all the information you need to leverage this invaluable feature.

Enqueue a Subdomain Finder Job

Used to initialize a subdomain finder job


To request the endpoint, you must enter the required credentials, as shown in the following example:

Example CURL request

curl --location --request POST '' \
--header 'Authorization: Bearer <API_KEY>' \
--header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
--data-raw '{
    "url": ""

*Filling in the API_KEY value is mandatory.


The request response, in Json format, contains the identification of the analysis for monitoring and obtaining the result.

Successful response

{"enqueued_scan_id": "<SUBDOMAIN_SCAN_JOB_ID>"} 

Subdomain Scan Result


Used to retrieve the results of a specific subdomain job

Example CURL request

curl --location --request GET '<ENQUEUED_JOB_ID>' \
--header 'Authorization: Bearer <API_KEY>'

*Filling in the API_KEY value is mandatory.


The request response, in Json format, contains the state of the subdomain finder job, the results, and the last update date.

Successful response

    "start_date": 1690026648,
    "url": <SCANNED_DOMAIN>,
    "total_subdomains": 20,
    "subdomains": [
    "subdomain_job_id": <SUBDOMAIN_FINDER_JOB_ID>

List Subdomain Finder Jobs


List all subdomain jobs the user initiated

curl --location --request GET '' \
--header 'Authorization: Bearer <API_KEY>'

*Filling in the API_KEY value is mandatory.


The request response, in Json format, contains the state of the Subdomain Scan, the results, and the last update date.

Successful response

    "subdomain_jobs": {
        "<SCANNED_DOMAIN_1>": [
                "start_date": 1690026648,
                "url": <SCANNED_DOMAIN>,
                "total_subdomains": 20,
                "subdomains": [
        "<SCANNED_DOMAIN_2>": [
                "start_date": 1690026648,
                "url": <SCANNED_DOMAIN>,
                "total_subdomains": 20,
                "subdomains": [

Last updated